New Website Helps Improve Neighborhood Awareness

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Today the City of Savannah debuted a new Open Neighborhoods website, a searchable map of Savannah neighborhoods that citizens can use to learn more about neighborhood organizations, aldermanic districts, and information on area amenities. The purpose of Open Neighborhoods is to increase neighborhood awareness and civic engagement.

Map users are able type an address into the “Find My Neighborhood” search bar to identify the neighborhood’s name, active organization, and neighborhood representative contact information. Residents are encouraged to contact the published neighborhood representative about getting involved in their neighborhood organization.

Residents who live in a neighborhood that does not currently have an active community organization or neighborhood association are encouraged to create one by contacting the City of Savannah’s Community Planning and Development Department at 912-651-6520 to get started.

Utilizing the map’s “Near Me” tool, users are able to learn more about various neighborhood amenities including public parks, bikeways, community centers, grocery stores, libraries, CAT bus stops, and schools. The “Find My Alderman” tool allows map users to identify their aldermanic district and obtain contact information for their City Council representative.

“This website is a great way for neighborhoods to better communicate with each other and the City to share resources. It’s also great tool for people who move to Savannah or move to a new neighborhood,” said Community Planning and Development Director Kerri Reid

Open Neighborhoods was developed by the City of Savannah in cooperation with SAGIS. The interactive map can be found at