VTOL AEROSPACE to Expand Product Portfolio with New VTOL UAVs Called Converticopters

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, August 25th, 2017

VTOL AEROSPACE (formerly Elytron Aircraft LLC) is introducing a new line of UAV products called Converticopters, adding unmanned versions to its manned convertiplanes. Since its creation in 2013, VTOL AEROSPACE has made extensive use of flying proof-of-concepts at different scales, going from compact unmanned test vehicles up to a 28-ft manned prototype. Putting these test vehicles through their paces, meaning flying them in real conditions at a runway, has provided invaluable engineering data and experience, confirming the flight qualities of its patented technology, which blends the features of a tilt-wing inside a fixed box-wing.

The conclusion of a deep-dive evaluation of this planform was completed using a 20-lb scale model unmanned aircraft and applying a battery of tests, including comprehensive CFD simulations in and out of ground effect, high-speed tests on moving rig, wind tunnel tests conducted at NASA Ames, and free-air test flights. This has led to the collection and compilation of 100s of performance data points, allowing the company to fully qualify the airframe after such an extended evaluation phase and getting it ready for scale production.


VTOL AEROSPACE is excited to announce the launch of the UAV Converticopter line, ideal for several markets that require both VTOL support and also long-endurance flights with the ability to fly in any type of weather and wind conditions, such as Air Surveillance, Border Patrol, Search & Rescue etc…

The airframe was optimized for this typical flight pattern:

  • Vertical take-off with considerable payload

  • Self-stabilizing and self-rectifying hover flight transition

  • Rapid and safe conversion to conventional flight

  • Adaptive flight patterns based on the selected mission, including low-speed loitering.

  • Extended flight time due to a low-drag, high-lift airframe

  • Ability to land vertically any time in midst and/or at the end of the mission.

It was verified and corroborated through systematic simulations and flight tests, that the production airframe would benefit from a L/D ratio above 15.0 at loitering speeds, allowing very efficient and extended flight time.

The company highlights the features of a compact Converticopter version with a wingspan of 8-ft, allowing loiter flights up to 1.5 hour, only on battery power alone, and beyond 5 hours with an electric hybrid power plant. Larger payload sizes and longer flight times may be achieved by scaling up the airframe, and its power source, up to 40ft in wingspan. Additional CVC models with various wingspans may be offered by manufacturing partners, who are to subscribe to a manufacturing license agreement.

VTOL AEROSPACE recognizes the need to support new emerging markets with specifically tailored UAVs, using custom-built payloads, and has created a dedicated sales channel that will be led by newly appointed Director of Marketing and Sales, Craig Davidenko, a Drone Marketing Industry Veteran.