Historic Savannah Foundation Donates to City Hall Restoration Planning

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

Savannah’s Mayor and Aldermen recognized the Historic Savannah Foundation for making a generous donation to assist in planning for the restoration of the interior of City Hall.

The Historic Savannah Foundation is providing matching funds in the amount of $2,500.00 towards a $10,000 grant the City recently received from the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

“Historic Savannah Foundation is proud to partner with the City of Savannah in preserving City Hall. Whether you live in Savannah or San Francisco, sense of place is important and restoring one of the most recognizable and historically significant buildings in Savannah ensures the use of this landmark for future generations of citizens and visitors,” said Historic Savannah Foundation President and CEO Daniel Carey.

Savannah's City Hall building is one of the most recognizable and historically significant buildings in Savannah, prominently located in the heart of the National Historic Landmark District. While the City has undertaken periodic restoration/preservation projects on the exterior, the interior has not received any major restoration or preservation work since its opening in 1906. In order to ensure continued use of the building for future generations of citizens and prolong the life of significant historical features, an interior conditions assessment of the major public spaces is currently underway which will result in a restoration plan and maintenance schedule.

The total cost of the project is $33,600. The City of Savannah will fund the remaining $21,100 in costs which are not covered by the grant and donation. Lominack Kolman and Smith started work in mid-July and the preservation assessment and maintenance plan should be completed in January 2018.