Savannah’s 2017 Bigwigs Are on a Mission to Raise Funds to Save Lives
Staff Report From Savannah CEO
Friday, September 22nd, 2017
Susan G. Komen Coastal Georgia is announcing its class of 2017 BigWigs in Savannah who will raise funds for community breast cancer services. Eleven local leaders will be donning bright pink wigs throughout the city, all in an effort to raise awareness and funds for Susan G. Komen Coastal Georgia and its vision of a world without breast cancer.
The BigWig Campaign asks each community VIP (BigWig) to raise at least $2,500 to fund local breast cancer patient services and education programs. The campaign will run from Sept. 21 through Nov. 7.
‘We had a slight delay in the launch date due to Hurricane Irma, so the BigWigs asked to extend the campaign past its usual October 31 end date into November,’ shared Executive Director Aileen Gabbey. ‘We’re glad that our VIPs are all set and excited to get going on this unique campaign.’
Dubbed “BigWigs” by the local Komen Affiliate, these leaders will spread awareness and fundraise during the six-week campaign. Each BigWig has committed to serve as a breast cancer advocate throughout the campaign duration – all while raising funds to save lives locally and advance global research initiatives.
‘We share with our supporters that Komen is more than pink,’ added Gabbey. ‘The color gets attention, but the funds raised by our BigWigs translate to lifesaving action such as local screenings and national research.’
2017 Savannah BigWigs Include:
Stratton Leopold, Leopold’s Ice Cream
Cyreia Sandlin, WTOC
Jesse Blanco, Eat It & Like It
Shelley Lowther, Dancing Dogs Yoga
Cecilia Arango, Thomas & Hutton
Amy Shippy, Marche de Macarons
Dr. Daniel Most, Most Plastic Surgery
Sarah Lamar, HunterMaclean
Lesley Taylor, Savannah Chatham Public School System
Carl Davis, Kroger
Kim Goode, Savannah Area Realtors