Effingham County Chamber Special Event November 8th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

As a follow-up to this summer’s Community Leadership Retreat (“Keep Effingham Growing”), the Effingham County Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to breakfast on Wednesday, November 8th at 7:30am at the Effingham College and Career Academy as we host the Georgia Chamber of Commerce who will present “Georgia 2030”. 

“Georgia 2030” is an ambitious plan to expand Georgia’s role in global commerce, cultivate a world-class workforce, bolster economic mobility, improve long-term job creation, and support diverse, thriving communities. As a community leader, we ask that you join us to be part of the discussion on what role Effingham will play in this plan and what innovative ideas and solutions we can implement to capture the opportunities that will be available to ensure we Keep Effingham Growing.

The cost to attend is $12 (cash or check, payable at the door) and includes breakfast. Space is limited so reserve your seat today by visiting: https://goo.gl/forms/Od4s0aJUZTHy68Tn2.