SD Gunner Fund Launches "Dudeoir" Calendar

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

The SD Gunner Fund is closing in on its annual fundraising goal for 2017 with a last push for the year with the launch of this local non-profit organization’s “Dudeoir” 2018 calendar. The fund is only $1,500 away from hitting the $50,000 goal which will enable the organization to place 14 service animals this fiscal year. All funds raised support their mission to assist veterans and disabled children with the financial expense of acquiring and owning service animals.

Britnee Kinard created SD Gunner Fund in 2014 while caring full-time for her husband as he grappled with post-traumatic stress disorder and recovered from physical wounds sustained while serving in Iraq. Over the past few years Kinard has undertaken extensive fundraising and continues to set the bar high with each passing year. As 2017 ends, SD Gunner Fund announces its plan to take two things society deems as dysfunctional and unrepairable; soldiers with PTSD and Pitbull dogs and shine light on these areas using a “Dudeoir Calendar” fundraiser. Kinard never anticipated the turn-out and interest of others willing to contribute to its creation.

The calendar will feature disabled veterans sharing the page with their service animal or Pitbulls. SD Gunner Fund partnered with Operation Pitbull to provide the dogs for the shoot. All animals provided by Operation Pitbull for this shoot were rescued from death row and within 2-3 days of being euthanized, and are available for adoption. 

Any veteran wanting to adopt one of the featured dogs is welcome to adopt them as a pet. Operation Pitbull will waive the $125 adoption fee for a veteran and SD Gunner Fund will provide training with SDGF Trainer - James Quarterman. Adoptees should know this will not be a fully functional service animal but will serve as a pet and companion.

The shoot would not have been possible without local photographers that donated their time - Caroline Crull of Hinesville and Stephen McClosky of Columbia, South Carolina. Kelly White contributed as designer and worked directly with Kinard to complete the look, layout and taglines for each month.

The goal of the “Dudeoir” calendar fundraiser is to raise awareness and funds. SD Gunner Fund aims to sell 5,000 calendars. Calendars are now available, and can be purchased for $30 each by visiting

“We have laughed more putting together this calendar than I can remember in a very long time. Our hearts are full, and we are hoping that someone out there will see our calendar, recognize that disabled veterans and Pitbull’s are not all dysfunctional, have a good laugh and want to adopt these awesome dogs,” said Kinard.