Goodwill Received over 282,900 Pounds of Donations in Final Week of 2017

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, January 8th, 2018

Donation drives and community giving across Southeast Georgia yielded huge results in the last few days of 2017.  The rush for end of the year giving always makes it a very busy season for Goodwill and in preparation, Goodwill’s leadership team helped man the “donor doors” to sort donations and thank the local community for their support.
"The last three days of the year are always our busiest donation days,” said Michael Winckler the CEO and President of Goodwill of Southeast Georgia.

“But, when those last three days happen to be a Friday, Saturday and Sunday, like they are this year, we're expecting unprecedented numbers of donations over the next three days, probably about double what we would ordinarily receive on any other given weekend."
Overall, a total of 282,942 pounds of clothing and household items was collected from December 26th to 31st 2017, coming from 8,935 individual donations. A one-day community event with the Dutch Island Homeowners Association collected over 2,850 pounds and the Southbridge Homeowners Association contributed an incredible 13,047 pounds on December 30th and 31st.
Not only do these donations help provide valuable programs in Southeast Georgia, but they also divert products from landfills.  The 282,942 pounds that was received in the last week of 2017 will be repurposed, sold or responsibly recycled, allowing donors another reason to feel good about donating to Goodwill.  
These donations make a difference in people’s lives, strengthen communities, and create a healthier environment. Every item donated helps support Goodwill’s mission of putting people to work.  The items donated stock their stores. The proceeds from sales support the operations of their Job Connection Centers and other programs. Those programs help put people to work.  Goodwill Southeast Georgia thanks the community for their incredible support in 2017 and is excited to help individuals change their lives in the New Year.