Greenbriar Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Fund New Website

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, January 15th, 2018

Greenbriar Children’s Center recently announced that it is raising funds via a rewards-based crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to assist them in their mission of caring for the community’s abused, neglected and runaway children. The nonprofit aims to raise $5,000 on Generosity by Indiegogo to help fund a new website, which is badly needed to draw donors to the organization and inform those who benefit from the organization’s wide array services.  

Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital through the collective effort of an organization’s supporters, customers and individual investors. This approach taps into the collective efforts of a large pool of individuals, primarily online via social media. Crowdfunding has been used to fund a wide range nonprofit and entrepreneurial ventures, such as artistic and creative projects, as well as community programs and initiatives.

Greenbriar’s crowdfunding campaign offers supporters incentives for their participation and generosity. Those who contribute $500, which is “Emerald Sponsorship Level,” will receive a Greenbriar hat or T-shirt. Donors who commit to becoming a “Diamond Sponsor” by contributing at least $1,000, will have their names inscribed on a plaque mounted at Greenbriar.

Greenbriar Children’s Center Board Vice President Melissa Emery launched the online campaign and hopes that the giving spirit that typically surrounds the holidays will help bolster it, heading into 2018. Greenbriar Executive Director Gena Taylor says the nonprofit has needed a website for years, but other priorities had to be tended to first.

“Greenbriar’s website hasn’t been updated or overhauled in nearly a decade. The technology isn’t user-friendly, and we can’t properly utilize the platform to make the public aware of all the wonderful programs and services Greenbriar offers. It just doesn’t do our organization justice,” Taylor said. “Funds we receive or raise have to go to the care, health, safety and education of the children we help. We haven’t been able to funnel enough money to the website because shelter, food, clothing and medicine for our clients come first. We hope the public and our supporters will help us raise enough for a simple but attractive website that is well-organized and adequate to meet our needs. We would greatly appreciate any assistance.”

Greenbriar promotes the healthy development of children and the strengthening of families by providing services that include an emergency shelter, runaway/homeless residential care, independent living, family preservation, early childhood education and care, and Project Safe Place.

To donate to Greenbriar via its crowdfunding campaign, please visit