Georgia Heritage FCU to Award Two College Scholarships

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce two college scholarships to be awarded to graduating high school seniors who are attending school in Chatham, Effingham or Bryan counties. The winning high school senior will be awarded $2,000, and the second-place student will receive a $1,500 college scholarship.

High school senior applications will be considered based on grades, SAT/ACT scores, school and civic activities, recommendations, and financial need. For continuing education students, application considerations include financial need, grades, essay, and recommendations.

Applicants must be members of Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union. Membership is open to those who live, work, worship or attend school in Chatham, Effingham and Bryan counties. Applications are available online at, Education Center tab. Deadline for entries is April 2, 2018. For more information, call (912) 236-4400 or email [email protected] . The winners will be announced later April 17, 2018.