The National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force Announces 2nd Year with Bank of America “Museums on Us” Program

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

The National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force is pleased to announce we are teaming up with Bank of America for another year as a Museums on Us partner. The program provides Bank of America and Merrill Lynch cardholders free general admission to more than 150 of the nation’s finest arts, cultural and educational institutions during the first full weekend of every month.
Museums on Us is a national program enabling Bank of America card holders free access to museums enrolled in the program during the first full weekend of each month.  Visitors to the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force who present an active Bank of America or Merrill Lynch debit or credit card and an active, valid photo ID, will receive FREE GENERAL ADMISSION to the Museum on the first full weekend (Saturday and Sunday) of each month. More than 150 cultural institutions across the United States in 98 cities and 33 states participate in the program which is a unique benefit for Bank of America customers. This is the second year the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force has been a partner.
“Hundreds of visitors took advantage of this program in 2017 and came to the museum,” said Pearl Fyderek, Director of Marketing for the Museum. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for guests to experience the museum and the history of these heroes.”
According to Patrick O’Neil, Savannah market president for Bank of America, the company is committed to supporting arts and culture. “Bank of America’s Museums on Us® program makes it easier for more people to visit the most popular cultural attractions in the U.S.,” O’Neil said. “We value the work being done at the Mighty Eighth to inspire and educate visitors—especially children¾and encourage our customers to take advantage of Museums on Us to experience a world-class museum right here in our community.”
The following weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are available for FREE admission for Bank of America and Merrill Lynch debit and credit card holders who must present a photo ID to gain one free general admission which is limited to the cardholder. It excludes fundraising events, special exhibitions and ticketed shows

·         February 3/4, 2018

·         March 3/4, 2018

·         April 7/8, 2018

·         May 5/6, 2018

·         June 2/3, 2018

·         July 7/8, 2018

·         August 4/5, 2018

·         September 1/2, 2018

·         October 6/7, 2018

·         November 3/4, 2018

·         December 1/2, 2018