Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter Appoints a New Board Chair, Board Member, and Secretary

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, February 26th, 2018

Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter has announced the appointment of a new board director, board member, and secretary.

Salita Hill, vice president of community banking at Wells Fargo, will serve as the new board director in 2018. Hill succeeds Todd Cellini who has held the position since 2016.

Hill will be joined by a new board member: Ann Linton, of Abercorn Family Dentistry. Dr. Linton has been active in Dentistry for over 38 years, the past 19 of which in the Savannah area. Dr. Linton believes strongly in serving the community and has organized and participated in numerous
health fairs to educate and promote proper dental hygiene especially to the youth and the elderly.

In addition, Chris Sotus of Merrill Lynch, will serve as the new secretary.

“We are thrilled to have individuals so dedicated to improving opportunities for the youth of our community joining our board this year,” said Julie Wade, executive director of Park Place Outreach. “I am looking forward to working with these new leaders to grow Park Place Outreach’s impact on Savannah.”