Savannah Humane Society Receives $11,670 from Franklin Endowment Fund

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

The Estate of the Ruby G. Franklin Endowment Fund's recent donation to the Humane Society for Greater Savannah will be used to improve the rescue group's animal enrichment progam. Shown: Phoebe is one of the pets recently up for adoption through the Humane Society for Greater Savannah.

The Savannah Community Foundation Inc. distributed $11,670 this year to the Humane Society for Greater Savannah from the Estate of the Ruby G. Franklin Endowment Fund.

“The Humane Society for Greater Savannah is appreciative of this generous gift, which will be used to improve our animal enrichment program. Moving from a home to an enclosure can be stressful for any pet,” said William Brown, interim executive director of the Humane Society. 

“By providing our shelter pets with the appropriate environmental stimuli to cope with being in the shelter environment, we are able to increase a pet's chances of adoption and reduce the risk, and associated costs, of stress-related illness.”

The fund was established by a generous bequest by Mrs. Franklin to the Savannah Community Foundation to benefit the Humane Society for Greater Savannah to provide substantial, perpetual support while preserving the principle of her fund.