Goodwill Southeast Georgia Supports Rotary Read-In Campaign

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, March 27th, 2018

This week, Goodwill Southeast Georgia’s volunteer team joined forces with the Savannah Rotatory’s “Read-In” Campaign. Goodwill sponsored Haven Elementary school in Chatham County, providing readers for every class room.  As part of the initiative they also left behind new books for each class to continue to enjoy.
Goodwill associates gathered at 9am on Thursday, March 22nd to visit Haven Elementary School and read a book in every classroom.  The books were signed by the volunteer participants and left behind to help grow the school’s libraries.
Reading aloud helps build important foundation skills, introduces vocabulary and encourages children to develop a love of reading.  Beyond these skills, reading and literacy greatly impact an individual’s ability to learn and progress in education.  Supporting learning at a young age reflects Goodwill’s mission in the community to provide resources for lifelong learning and workforce development.
“It’s great to collaborate with public projects, like the Rotary Read-In campaign, and give back to the community who do so much to support us” said Michael Winckler, CEO of Goodwill Southeast Georgia “We were thrilled to make this our organization’s first local volunteer project, especially as it ties so closely with the importance we place on learning here at Goodwill”.