Savannah Area REALTORS New Board President Brings Innovative Learning Opportunity in the “Age of the Customer”

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018

Savannah Area REALTORS newly elected President, Janet Howard, has an ambitious and innovative program lined out this year for the now more than 1900 members of the regional organization.  Janet is bringing in experts from outside the industry to teach workshops on the tools and techniques needed to succeed in a rapidly changing marketplace.  Workshops teaching advanced skills in photography, video production and editing, personal branding, social media strategy, copywriting, and much more are being covered in day long intensive workshops designed to equip members with the advanced skills necessary to meet an ever more demanding market.  Janet said “In the Age of the Customer, her team realizes consumers are better educated, more involved, and have more influence than ever before …and therefore professionals must continually educate themselves and evolve as technology advances.”