Urban Hope Announces Plan for Expansion

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, March 1st, 2018

On Friday February 23rd, 2018, Urban Hope hosted its 8th Annual Chefs and Chocolates at the newly renovated Kehoe Ironworks Building at Trustees’ Garden. During the event in which Urban Hope raised $50,500, Board President, Doug Carroll announced Urban Hope’s plan to expand to a 2nd location in the summer of 2018. The expansion is a partnership with the Whitefield Foundation.

“Our goal is to host 30 additional children during our Summer Camp at the Whitefield Center. We plan to be deliberate and prayerfully consider this growth. Working through some of the kinks and logistics this summer, Urban Hope plans to enroll 45 additional children at the 2nd location for the fall of 2018”, stated Doug Carroll.   

With 18 years of service, Urban Hope has hosted 50 children each year at their after school program and 75 children each year at their summer camp. The number of children attending the FREE summer camp and after school program will increase to 95 children. As Urban Hope settles into their 2nd location, the number of children attending will gradually increase.

Cassie Beckwith, Board Member, explains “This has been a dream of ours for ten years. The opportunity to partner with the Whitefield Foundation is becoming a reality due to the hard work the Urban Hope staff, Board, volunteers, and community partners have put into this program.” Beckwith also states that without the continued support of St. Paul’s CME Church, where the program currently operates, Urban Hope would not have survived a few very hard financial years.

In addition to more children, Urban Hope will have more space to accommodate volunteers. The summer camp will require volunteers for the gardening, fine arts painting, and summer math and literacy classes. Savannah residents are encouraged to consider spending an hour a week with at-risk youth by reading aloud to them, giving them direction in art, or simply engaging in a conversation. All interested volunteers should email Urban Hope at [email protected]