DXM Nominated for Two Global Markie Awards

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, April 9th, 2018

Global data technology giant Oracle has named DX Marketing a finalist in two separate categories of its annual Markie Awards competition. DXM is an insights firm based in Savannah, Ga. that leverages unique consumer knowledge to inform business strategy.

For over a decade, Oracle’s Markie Awards have recognized innovation and excellence in data-driven modern marketing, shining a spotlight on organizations who have delivered superior customer experiences with technology, expertise and creativity. Last year, DXM was a finalist in the Markie Awards’ “Best Use of Data” category. This year’s competition is comprised of 19 categories.

DXM has been selected as a finalist in the “Account-Based Marketing Team of the Year” and “Best Video” categories. The Account-Based Marketing Team Award recognizes the organization that produced the most highly targeted buyer profiles and campaigns to drive engagement and return on investment. Other finalists competing for this award are Cisco, Clarivate Analytics, NEC and NTT Communications.

The “Best Video” Award honors an exceptional video enhanced by creativity, humor or human-interest. It is the only Markie Award category that is voted on by peers and not a panel of judges. DXM is competing in this category against BMW, Hilton, PETstock and Samsung France.

“The competition for the Markies is extremely competitive,” says DXM Founder and CEO Ray Owens. “Our work is judged alongside that of some of the biggest brands in the world, so just being nominated is an honor in itself.”