Georgia Governor Nathan Deal to Address Ogeechee Technical College Graduates May 10th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

President Lori Durden of Ogeechee Technical College announced that Governor Nathan Deal will be the speaker at the College’s 2018 commencement exercises to be held on May 10th at Georgia Southern University’s Hanner Fieldhouse. Deal, the 82nd governor of Georgia, will address graduates, faculty, staff, and guests at the 7:00 p.m. ceremony.

“Governor Deal is a great advocate for education and has been a true supporter of technical education and Ogeechee Tech,” said Durden. “His influence on education in Georgia will be evident for many years as our citizens reap the benefits produced by his visionary policies. We are honored to have him address our graduates.”

Since taking office in 2011, Governor Deal devotes a great deal of energy toward strengthening education in Georgia. Expanding the HOPE Grant, promoting high school dual enrollment, and supporting infrastructure improvements in technical colleges are but a few of the initiatives the Governor championed.

Governor Deal’s HOPE Career Grant, which offers tuition assistance for students in high-demand careers, has not only helped students, but benefits industries that have workforce needs, strengthening Georgia’s economy. “The HOPE Career Grant has become a game changer in Georgia,” said Durden. “Students receive in-demand skills at no cost to them and companies are able to fill critical openings. It’s truly a win-win situation.” The HOPE Career Grant covers 17 career fields including Commercial Truck Driving, Nursing, Computer Information Systems, and Heavy Diesel Service Technician, among others.  

Ogeechee Tech will award 1,000 degrees, diplomas, and certificates, with approximately 325 graduates expected to participate in the ceremony.

“Graduation is always a special time which brings excitement to students, their families, and our faculty and staff,” said Durden. “We know this year will be especially exciting with Governor Deal being here to celebrate the students and their success!”

Technical College System of Georgia Commissioner, Matt Arthur, will accompany the Governor on the trip to Statesboro. Arthur was appointed by the Governor to head TCSG and has held the position since January 1, 2018.