Family Promise of Greater Savannah Cardboard Box City Homelessness Simulation is June 1st

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

Family Promise of Greater Savannah will host its inaugural Cardboard Box City beginning at 4 p.m. Friday, June 1 and ending at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 2 at Benedictine Military School, 6502 Seawright Drive, Savannah.

Youth from across Savannah are invited to participate in constructing a cardboard home in Family Promise’s Cardboard Box City to raise awareness of homelessness in the Coastal Empire area. Participants will take part in traditional soup kitchen-style meals and camp out in their homes, braving the elements to live for one night like the city’s homeless children and families. Cardboard box homes will be judged, and awards will be given to the best homes.

Individuals will collect pledges and donations from sponsors as “rent” money for their home. These proceeds will directly benefit Family Promise of Greater Savannah.

“Cardboard Box City is an opportunity for our youth to engage in awareness for a problem that plagues our city and surrounding areas,” Family Promise of Greater Savannah Executive Director Katrina Bostick said. “It is vital to involve the community, especially the newer generations, in our efforts to mitigate the struggles many face every day.”

Family Promise of Greater Savannah works with host congregations to reduce the number of families who are separated when they fall on difficult times and find themselves homeless. The organization has a strong track record in keeping families together, while offering support and resources towards long-term independence.

Register to participate at, email [email protected] or schedule a time to pick up a packet by calling 912-790-9446. To be a resident of Cardboard Box City, participants work to pay their "rent" by collecting pledges/donations.