Georgia Tech-Savannah Celebrates Coding Boot Camp Graduates with High Tech Demo Day

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

Georgia Tech-Savannah’s innovative Coding Boot Camp program will host a demo day for graduating students to show off their work to area employers on Thursday, May 17, 2018, from 5 - 7 p.m. Area business leaders, specifically those looking to hire web developers, are encouraged to attend. The event is free, but RSVP is required.

“Our program caters to those who are already working but want to create additional value for their skill set,” said Diane Lee, executive director of Georgia Tech-Savannah. “More businesses are looking to hire in-house developers. A coding certificate from Georgia Tech will make a resume stand out or can be used as a bargaining chip when it’s time to discuss a pay raise.”

For 24 weeks, the third class of area professionals has learned everything from the basics of coding, algorithms and data structure, to intensive training in Javascript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, jQuery, and C# while creating a body of work for their fledgling portfolio. Graduates of the program receive a certificate in Fullstack Web Development from Georgia Tech Professional Education, currently the only university-backed boot camp in the State of Georgia.
The next Coding Boot Camp class will be 100% online and starts July 14, 2018. Those who are interested in learning more about the class are invited to attend Demo Day to see what the program has to offer. Designed with consideration of the schedules of working professionals and students, the program is a medium for those looking to expand their skill set or to pursue a career change.

To learn more about Georgia Tech Coding Boot Camp, visit Students can apply online or call 912-436-3732.