American Legion “Warrior Lift” Night Raises $17,000 For Elevator

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

The American Legion Post 135 “Warrior Lift” Auction Night held on Saturday evening at the historic Bull Street location for Post 135 was well attended. More than 200 turned out for the event which was emceed by G100 radio personality, Mia Mance and featured music by Kim Michael Polote and pianist Jill Smith with saxophonist Brennan Short.   Local restaurants, café ● deli, Mahgniffe, Current catering, and Savannah Event Catering provided food for attendees to sample as they perused the more than 80 silent auction items.   

Due in part to the competitive live auction bidding orchestrated by Chuck Snelling of Red Door Auctions, more than $17,000 was raised toward the $450,000 dollars needed to install the elevator in the historic building.  

 “We are so grateful to all of the local restaurants, businesses, and people in the community that came out to show their support for our veterans,” said Post 135 Commander Joey Barnard. The “Warrior Lift” Auction event Saturday is one of several fundraiser events, which when successfully completed, will provide everyone, including the older or disabled veterans and members of our community, access to events and programs in the building.

Currently the historic building, which was constructed in 1913 to house the Chatham Artillery Unit and later became the birthplace of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, does not have an elevator. To enter the building, veterans must be able to navigate a small flight of six steps which many, with assistance, can manage. However, large events held in the 2nd floor ballroom are inaccessible for those unable to climb a steep flight of 20 stairs. Installation of the elevator will remedy this, providing easy access for veterans and the public, as well as musicians, caterers, and other vendors working events on the second floor; helping to keep the iconic building a central part of the community.