City of Savannah Moves Forward on Search for Next Police Chief

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

The City of Savannah received 67 applications for the Chief of Police position at the Savannah Police Department. Two of those applications came from current SPD officers.

The City has contracted with Mercer Group, an executive recruiting firm, to lead the search process. Once the list of candidates is narrowed, those candidate will be interview by three panels.

  • The first panel will be made of executive City staff members.

  • The second panel is a citizens advisory panel. Each member of City Council selected a member of the Savannah community to represent them on this panel.

  • The third panel consists of law enforcement executives.

The police chief candidates will also complete an assessment center, conducted by Developmental Associates, LLC.

The City Manager hopes to have a new chief in place by this fall.

Citizens Advisory Panel members:

Mayor Eddie DeLoach: Reed Dulany III, president and CEO of Dulany Industries

Alderwoman Carol Bell: Greg Parker, owner of the Parker’s convenience store chain

Alderman Bill Durrence: Brenda Walker, President of the Live Oak NOA

Alderman Brian Foster: Savannah attorney Steven Scheer

Alderman John Hall: Rev. William Eason, Edgemere/Sackville Neighborhood Association president

Alderman Van Johnson: Da’Henri R. Thurmond, Sr., pastor of St. Paul CME.

Alderman Julian Miller: Kevin Klinkenberg, executive director of the Savannah Development and Renewal Authority

Alderman Tony Thomas: Edna Jackson, former City of Savannah Mayor

Alderwoman Dr. Estella Shabazz: Ulysses Bryant, President of the Liberty City, Southover, and Richfield NOA's; retired SCCPSS Campus Police Chief, Current SSU Interim Police Chief