Step Up Awarded $35,000 by the Annie E. Casey Foundation

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, June 25th, 2018

Step Up Savannah received a grant of $35,000 from the Annie E. Casey Foundation to advance policies that improve household financial security.
Step Up will collaborate with statewide partners, such as the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute and Georgia Financial Protection Coalition, to advance the Georgia Work Credit – a state Earned Income Tax Credit.
Individuals, social service organizations, as well as business and civic leaders will gain an understanding of the positive impact a refundable Georgia Work Credit would have for Georgia families and the potential economic boost the credit would have in our community each year. One additional policy solution will be identified that would improve household financial security and/or protect consumers.
Research will be conducted through the local VITA network to understand the impact the Tax Cut and Jobs Act will have on different types of working families and VITA filers.  These findings will be delivered through a number of different media including printed materials, webinars, and short videos.  The digital media will enable remote, rural individuals and tax preparers to overcome expense and distance as barriers to further their knowledge.