Savannah Tech Graduate Lands Job in Hot Field with Cool Employer

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, July 6th, 2018

Harry Garvin had multiple job offers before he completed coursework for an associate’s degree in Industrial Maintenance Systems. He credits his success to training from Savannah Technical College and working part-time in a manufacturing setting, while earning his degree.
Garvin will be one of nearly 275 graduates receiving degrees, diplomas and GEDs at STC’s commencement ceremony at the Savannah Civic Center. The College has awarded 388 degrees and diplomas for students that completed coursework from summer 2016 through spring 2017. Also, 275 GED diplomas have been earned during that time.
Garvin began his college career as a dual enrollment student during his last semester at New Hampstead High School. He wasn’t sure which career, so he started by enrolling in general core courses. His first college courses, Psychology and Public Speaking, were needed for his associate degree in Industrial Maintenance and transfer to any University System of Georgia institution.
“Harry was an excellent student with a great work ethic,” said STC Industrial Maintenance Systems Department Head Travis Wright. “His willingness to go the ‘extra mile’ will take him far in life. I wish nothing but the best for this young man.”
Garvin wanted a career that would always be in demand. He selected Industrial Maintenance Systems because it was a “hot field” and “electrical and mechanical skills are in demand,” said Garvin. “Even if robots are needed to do a job, they will need someone to fix the robots. There will always be a need for electricians and mechanics.”
While enrolled at Savannah Tech, he worked part-time as a forklift driver in an industrial plant to gain manufacturing experience. He wanted to graduate with not only associate degree, but also experience. From his forklift, he saw electrical equipment in action. This experience gave him a head start to become familiar with an industrial environment.
He posted his resume on Indeed and received multiple job offers. He found his job in a “hot field” as an Electrical/Mechanical Technician with a cool employer, Imperial Frozen Foods, and loves what he does.
Garvin suggests other students gain experience with an apprenticeship to work in an electrical or mechanical field. “Then graduates will already have experience under their belt when they complete their associate degree and apply for a job,” he said.