Stress and Time Management Workshop Held at OTC

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, July 5th, 2018

Shown above are students from Ogeechee Technical College instructor Michael Twisdale’s College Success and Career Skills class. They recently participated in a Stress and Time Management Workshop presented by Kristina Brewton, counselor at OTC. Brewton explained demands placed on the body, both physically and mentally, from outside factors which cause strain.

She said that the way in which people deal with those demands determines whether or not they become stressed. She went on to say there is good and bad stress and people must take responsibility in the role that they play in their own stress by being conscious of the decisions they make. She told the students that art, music, journaling, exercising, meditation, and talking with a trusted friend or professional are great ways to relieve stress. Students viewed artwork while listening to music, and participated in a five senses meditation experience during this session. The OTC Counseling Department hosted the workshop.