Historic Savannah Foundation Announces Summer Photo Contest Winners
Staff Report From Savannah CEO
Tuesday, August 14th, 2018
Historic Savannah Foundation announced the winners of their July Summer Photo contest, which posed the question to both locals and visitors: What is your favorite historic building or place in Savannah?
Using the hashtag #SavFave, first place went to Yanitza Ninett, with Terri Tattan placing second followed by Garret Odenwelder in third. Erin Clarkson’s photo was awarded the fan favorite having received the most photo “likes”. These individuals will receive the honor of having their winning photos displayed on the Savannah Airport Welcome Screen in addition to being featured in HSF’s 2018 Annual Report. Ninett will also be awarded a $250 cash prize and a comprehensive catalog of HSF books, and Tattan will receive an autographed copy of the extremely popular, Savannah, Square by Square.
“We brainstormed innovative ways to interact with our community, supporters, and even tourists during the slow, hot summer months and this Instagram competition proved to be a great tool,” said HSF Historic Properties Coordinator Ryan Arvay. All photographs submitted were required to be original work taken within the past 12 months.
Ninett’s first-place photo is a striking image featuring, in her own words, the “peaceful streets, beautiful colors and historic buildings that make for a picture-perfect atmosphere.” The second-place photo highlights one of Savannah’s beautiful hidden gardens, with the third-place image showcasing a range of historic building profiles taken near the intersection of Whitaker and Broughton Street. “Fan favorite” photographer, Clarkson, captured a charming yellow house that highlights one of her favorite things about Savannah – beautiful but “crooked” homes.
“We did not limit the entries to only the National Historic Landmark District because HSF fulfills our mission throughout all of Savannah and Chatham County including the Victorian, Starland, Moon River, Thomas Square Streetcar and other surrounding neighborhoods,” said HSF Membership and Volunteer Coordinator Chassidy Malloy. “We reviewed a wide range of Savannah favorites, from prominent buildings to more ambiguous structures and sites which made judging tough; there were a lot of great submissions.”