Thomas & Hutton Announces New Hires

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

Thomas & Hutton is pleased to announce the following new hires in its Savannah office. Renee Butler-Andrews joined Thomas & Hutton’s Accounting Department as an Accounts Receivable Specialist. Renee has a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Human Resources, and an Associate Degree in Accounting. She brings almost 20 years of experience working for the Savannah Board of Education. Tyler Claxton joined Thomas & Hutton’s Water Resources Engineering team as a Designer. He has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Georgia. His experience includes an internship with the City of Griffin’s Water/Wastewater Department.

Claxton assists the Water Resources Department with numerous stormwater projects. Ashley Hazlett joined Thomas & Hutton’s Civil Engineering Department as Designer. A graduate of Tennessee Technologic University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Hazlett’s previous experience includes an internship working on flood mitigation with the West Tennessee River Basin Authority. Hazlett assists with developing site development construction drawings and engineering design considerations for water, sewer, and storm drainage infrastructure for residential, commercial, and industrial projects.

Lisa Jenkins joined Thomas & Hutton’s Accounting Department as an Accounts Payable Specialist. Jenkins is a graduate from Savannah State College with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management and has over 18 years of experience in accounting and business management for a manufacturing facility. Jake Storey joined Thomas & Hutton’s Civil Engineering Department as a Designer. A Georgia Southern University graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Storey assists with developing site development construction drawings and engineering design considerations for water, sewer, and storm drainage infrastructure for residential, commercial, and industrial projects.

Tre Wilkins, PE joined Thomas & Hutton’s Civil Engineering Department as a Project Manager. He has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with an Environmental Engineering specialty from Mercer University. Wilkins has over 23 years of experience in project management, industrial development, master planning, surveying, civil/environmental engineering, transportation design, and construction management and provides oversight for infrastructure design projects.