The Refinery to Offer Suite of Business and Professional Writing Courses

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, September 6th, 2018

The Refinery, a writing studio based in Savannah, Ga., is launching a suite of business writing courses this fall. Topics covered will include foundations of professional writing, basic public relations and marketing writing, and crisis communications.

“So many business owners I talk to wish their writing skills were stronger or that they had basic knowledge about how to promote their business through PR and marketing,” said Amy Paige Condon, founder of The Refinery. “These courses will focus on developing students’ oral and written communication skills in a professional setting, both internally with employees and externally with customers.”

The following classes are available:

Foundations of Business and Professional Writing
Mondays, Oct. 1-Oct. 22, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Cost: $250
This class is focused on developing the students’ skills in oral and written communication in a business and professional setting, focusing on a strong foundation in clear, concise and concrete language; persuasive writing that helps break through institutional paralysis; and, respectful approaches to complicated situations that avoids misunderstandings and improves workplace relationships.

Writing for Marketing and Public Relations
Mondays, Nov. 5 & 12, Dec. 3 & 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Cost: $250
This course builds upon the foundations class by focusing business communication outwardly toward current and potential clients and customers. Participants will learn strategies for capturing earned media, and increasing the frequency and reach of their organization’s mission and message.

Crisis Communications Workshop
Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Cost: $150
The best way to respond in a crisis is to be prepared with a communications plan before a crisis ever occurs. During this three-hour course, participants will anticipate crisis/emergency scenarios in which they may have to respond, then identify response tactics, including notification and monitoring, preparing statements, and assessing and redirecting the situation as it unfolds. Real-life case scenarios will be used to help guide students through the crisis communication steps.

Space is limited to 10 students per class. To register, visit, or call 912-257-5217.