Two Chatham Emergency Services Ambulances Donated to Clinic in Nigeria

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, September 14th, 2018

Chatham Emergency Services has donated two ambulances to help Dr. Eugene Nwosu expand critical cardiology services in Nigeria.
Two years ago St. Joseph’s/Candler committed more than $100,000 in medical equipment to help build a dedicated cardiac care clinic created by Dr. Nwosu.

The cardiac care center in the mega-city of Lago expanded on the Goodness & Favour Medical Centre in Ajalli, Nigeria, which Dr. Nwosu opened in 2011 through his Goodness & Mercy Foundation.
“The ambulance will be there to pick up patients that need to be transferred because now there are a lot of very sick people who don’t have quick and reliable transportation,” Dr. Nwosu said. “And the transportation that is there is very expensive. These ambulances will make it very affordable and improve care. I greatly appreciate this gift from Chatham Emergency Services.”
The two ambulances were completely rehabbed and will have a long life span, said Chuck Kearns, CEO of Chatham Emergency Services.
“As a community-owned not for profit, our mission aligns with St. Joseph’s/Candler, we feel it is part of our mission to give back,” Kearns said. “We feel that Dr. Nwosu is doing great work to help people in Nigeria and donating these two ambulances will further his mission.”   
Building the clinic
“The cardiac practice has already made a great difference,” Dr. Nwosu said. “Healthcare there has a lot lacking. It is a resource0poor environment. For the patients, the key is prevention. You have to talk a lot about health education with them so they can understand how to make a difference in their own care. “
Dr. Nwosu said many patients in Lagos have to travel to the United State, India or the United Kingdom to get quality care.
Dr. Nwosu has been doing medical mission trips to Ghana and Nigeria since 2001 and many St. Joseph’s/Candler co-workers have accompanied him.  Seven out of the last 10 years co-workers have travelled to Africa to take part in the healing missions.
The Goodness & Favour Medical Centre in Ajalli took over an abandoned clinic in 2011 and added working indoor toilets, newly painted rooms, landscaping around the perimeter of the clinic, brand new x-ray machines, a complete automated lab, a functional ultrasound system, and a new EKG machine.
Ten staff members were hired on a full-time basis to run the clinic. Among these staff members are a practicing doctor, two nurse midwives, a lab scientist, an x-ray technician, a nurse aide, and a security guard.
Patients who visit the clinic normally come in to be treated for infectious diseases, high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers, diabetes, malaria, and typhoid fever among other things. Some of the services rendered to patients include child delivery/maternity, wound care, ultrasounds, x-rays, electrocardiograms, fully automated lab tests, and general medical care.
The cardiac care section will be built from scratch. St. Joseph’s/Candler donated in 2016 needed medical equipment such as:
-          15 beds

-          Three anesthesia machines

-          An exam table

-          Two autoclaves for equipment sterilization

-           Office desks and supplies

-          Scrub sink

-          Lab equipment

-          IV poles

-          Medical furniture

-          Radiology table

-          Vital signs monitor