Upcoming Global Education Program: Taking Your Website Beyond Borders September 25th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, September 13th, 2018

Taking Your Website Beyond Borders Tuesday, Sept. 25, 9 a.m.- noon Cost: $25.

Click HERE for more information and to register. World Trade Center Savannah, 4th Floor 131 Hutchinson Island Road, Savannah, GA 31421 Did you know… 96% of global consumers reside outside of the United States? The internet knows no boundaries— and neither should your website. You could be missing out on a world of customers.  

Topics included in this program: •    Phased Approach and Simple Enhancements (do’s and don’ts) •    Internationalization and Localization •    Translating Your Website •    Proactive Promotion (Search Engine Optimization)

Each attendee receives a personalized expert website evaluation and report from the U.S. Commercial Service. Registration is required. Seating is limited. Please let me know if you have any questions. WORLD TRADE CENTER SAVANNAH World Trade Center Savannah is a proactive international business and trade development organization that exists to help create jobs and attract investment by helping to facilitate foreign direct investment opportunities for the region and by helping regional companies do business internationally. U.S. COMMERCIAL SERVICE The U.S. Commercial Service is the trade promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. U.S. Commercial Service trade professionals in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 75 countries help U.S. companies get started in exporting or increase sales to new global markets.