October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018

This October Goodwill Southeast Georgia highlights the contributions of American workers with disabilities during National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

This year’s theme—“America’s Workforce: Empowering All” —aligns with Goodwill’s defining mission of providing all workers, including those with disabilities, with job training and placement services.

“We believe that awareness leads to empowerment,” said Michael Winckler, President and CEO. “If you’re facing hurdles to finding a job or advancing your career, we want you to know that Goodwill Southeast Georgia can provide the support you need. From résumé preparation to educational credentials and employment placement, we offer an array of services and programs for people who are looking for work.”

The origin of NDEAM dates back to 1945, when Congress established a week of recognition for workers with physical disabilities. The period was expanded to a full month in 1988, and now spotlights the employment needs and contributions of workers with all types of disabilities. NDEAM is overseen by the U.S. Labor Department’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

“A workforce that empowers everyone is good for job seekers as well as job creators,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. “Continued steady job creation will provide even more opportunities for all Americans to get hired and provide for their families.”

The unemployment rate for people with disabilities has fallen steadily since 2009. But it remains more than double the rate for people without a disability—8.5 percent versus 3.9 percent in July 2018.

Goodwill has a 116-year history of commitment to providing support for job seekers, regardless of ability or circumstance. Last year, Goodwill Southeast Georgia provided over 40,000 services throughout the region and served 6,241 individuals.