Omega Construction Begins the Construction of Bitty & Beau’s Coffee Shop in Downtown Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

Omega Construction has been chosen as the General Contractor of the new Bitty & Beau’s on 319 W Congress St, one block south of City Market.  The project designers are  LS3P and RWP Engineering.  The Savannah location will be the third store in the Bitty & Beau’s chain.   The project incorporates some of the technical challenges that come with working in a busy downtown setting. Omega’s management team and most of the sub-contractors on the project have personal connections with IDD, whether through family or community ties.

Todd Mayo, Georgia Division Manager of Omega, fought to be a part of this project and showcase that a construction company can build with hammers and heart.  “This project is more than a business opportunity,” Mayo says. “It’s a way to blend my family’s personal mission of education and acceptance of IDD within our community, while utilizing my expertise in construction to help achieve it.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to partner with a client that shares the same vision.”  Mayo has a child with special needs and strong ties to IDD. He reached out to the sub-contractors that he trusted would give their best, not only by reputation, but by their ties to IDD as well.  “Pouring it Forward” is a mantra of the B&B team that has extended into the actual construction of this store.

Construction has begun, and the anticipated completion date is mid-December 2018.  Bitty & Beau’s Founder, Amy Wright, was awarded the 2017 CNN Hero of the Year Award and is using the monetary winnings towards building the Savannah location.  Fund raising efforts are expected in the future and donations can always be made through their website at:

Omega Construction, Inc. is a privately owned General Contracting Firm headquartered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina serving the construction needs of the southeast for over 40 years.  Omega’s portfolio stretches from large-scale industrial and distribution work to hospitality, commercial, retail and historic preservation projects along the eastern seaboard.  Omega opened their Georgia office in Richmond Hill in 2014 and hired local manager, Todd Mayo, to manage its Georgia Division in 2018.  Todd’s local affiliations, construction experience and subcontractor relationships have been avenues to help connect to this community, so that when a project like this comes along he knows which people to involve.  Omega’s office is located at 2801 US Highway 17 South, Suite 100 in Richmond Hill, Georgia.