6th Annual Parker’s Fueling the Community Golf Tournament Raises More Than $140,000 to Support Education, Healthcare

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

The 6th Annual Parker’s Fueling the Community Golf Tournament teed off on October 23 at The Club at Savannah Harbor in Savannah, Ga., raising more than $140,000 to benefit education, healthcare and other important causes in coastal Georgia and South Carolina.
The tournament attracted more than 160 players from across the region, including a number of Parker’s vendors, suppliers and supporters. Tournament proceeds will directly benefit Georgia and South Carolina communities in areas where Parker’s operates convenience stores.
“We are incredibly grateful to our generous sponsors and to everyone who participated in this year’s Fueling the Community Golf Tournament,” said Parker’s President and CEO Greg Parker. “We appreciate so many people supporting the Parker’s commitment to giving back to every community where we do business.”
Petroleum Transport Company’s team – which included Jay Boaz, Johnny Crisp, Johnson York and Taylor York – earned top honors at the charity golf tournament for the second consecutive year. The Freeland & Kaufmann team won second place, and the WTOC team took third place.
Additional winners include Chris Webber (Longest Drive Contest), Steve Yawn (Closest to the Hole Contest) and John Heidt (Putting Contest). The scramble-format event also included lunch, live music and a raffle featuring dozens of prizes.
In addition to serving freshly prepared Southern-inspired food and delivering exceptional products, Parker’s is considered an industry leader for its Fueling the Community program. On the first Wednesday of each month, Parkers donates one cent from the sale of every gallon of gas sold across all Parker’s locations to schools across Georgia and South Carolina. The company also supports the Parker’s Emergency and Trauma Center at Memorial Hospital in Savannah.