Brunswick Job Numbers Remain Positive for the Year

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler said Thursday that Brunswick continues to show annual growth in jobs, labor force and employed residents.
While the three-county metropolitan statistical area (MSA) experienced a down month in October, that was not enough to offset gains over the past 12 months.
“This holiday season we have much to be thankful for,” Butler said. “The job market has been very robust this year. Our communities continue to grow and prosper.”
The unemployment rate for October, at 3.6 percent, was up .5 percent over the previous month. A year ago, the rate was 4.7 percent. The rate increased in all 14 MSAs for October.
The labor force in Brunswick fell by 354 in October to reach 52,896. That number is up by 135 over the past year – an average monthly increase of nearly 12.
Brunswick lost 595 employed residents in October, pushing the total to 50,986. The number is up 696 for the year, or about 60 per month.
Jobs fell by 200 in October to 44,200. Brunswick ’s job total is up 600 over the year – an average monthly increase of 50.
Claims for unemployment insurance rose by 89 percent in October. They were down by 94 percent when compared to the same month a year ago.