Georgia Southern, Ocean Exchange Announce Winner of Annual BIG Pitch Award

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

The Georgia Southern University Parker College of Business and the Business Innovation Group awarded a grand prize of $10,000 to Vita Inclinata Technologies LLC, a team of innovators from Seattle University, for the 2018 BIG Pitch Award.

The eighth annual Ocean Exchange, hosted in Savannah, Georgia, featured the fourth year of the BIG Pitch Award, which is given to collegiate innovators who have created sustainable solutions.

Vita Inclinata is a small defense company focusing on stabilization control of moving objects such as hoisting systems and crane operations. The company is a leading developer of chaotic motion control systems, providing counter swing systems to military agencies, private contractors and local governments for improved human safety and operating efficiency.

“Vita’s Load Stability System has the potential for huge impact,” said Allen C. Amason, Ph.D., dean of the Parker College of Business. “Certainly they are to be applauded for developing a device that will actually save lives. The pitch was compelling, and they’ve come a long way already. So we’re happy this award will help them make the next big step in development. We’re honored to be a part of such a significant event.”

In addition to Vita Inclinata, seven additional collegiate innovators presented sustainable solutions to a distinguished group of conference guests representing business and industry, entrepreneurs, academia, government and non-governmental organizations.

Schools represented in the finalist round were from NYU, Yale, Brandeis, UC Santa Barbara, Texas State, Boston University, Virginia Commonwealth, and the Monterrey (Mexico) Institute of Technology and Higher Education with solutions in fields of energy, robotics and agriculture/aquaculture.