Savannah Opens New Sweetwater Fire Station
Staff Report From Savannah CEO
Monday, December 10th, 2018
The City of Savannah held a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for a new fire station at the Sweetwater Station subdivision.
More than 40 community members and staff gathered to celebrate the opening of the fire station. The 9,760 square foot fire station will be the new home for Engine 15 and will replace the temporary facility on Chevis Road. It will serve the Sweetwater Station area and other areas of Southwest Savannah. The building is a replication of a prototype fire station design constructed at the City’s Bradley Pointe fire station.
The building includes three apparatus bays, offices, restrooms with showers, sleeping quarters, common areas, and other ancillary spaces. The project also provided site utilities, landscaping, off-street parking and a storm retention pond.
“This is a beautiful facility that the City can be proud of,” said District 6 Alderman Tony Thomas. “Our Fire Chief is retiring and I would like to publicly thank him for all the efforts he has made on behalf of Savannah Fire.”
The Sweetwater Fire Station was built to also serve as a Critical Facilities as outlined by FEMA. The City plans to use the facility as a southern anchor for disaster events. The Sweetwater Fire Station facility costed a total of $3,3450,000. 83% of the stations total cost was funded through voter approved SPLOST 6 funds.
“Coming to this facility really sets the bar in terms of how we intend to deliver service”, said Fire Chief Charles Middleton. “It really emphasizes not only how we feel about our fire fighters but how we feel about the residents we serve.”
Following the ribbon cutting, firefighters offered tours of the facility and offered refreshments to guests. The opening of this new facility aligns with the City’s Savannah Forward strategic plan priority of improving public safety.