HunterMaclean Critical Issues Forum Focuses on The Economic Impact of Higher Education

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

The 2019 HunterMaclean Critical Issues Forum on The Economic Impact of Higher Education took place on Wednesday, January 30th at the Savannah Golf Club. An audience of 130 local business and community leaders heard from four presidents of regional universities and colleges about the impact higher education has on our local economy. Following welcome remarks from HunterMaclean’s Managing Partner Brad Harmon, University System of Georgia Board of Regents Chairman and Waters Capital Partners LLC CEO Don Waters provided the audience with an update on the Georgia Board of Regents and university system. 

Mr. Waters also served as moderator of the event which featured a panel including Dr. Cheryl Dozier, President of Savannah State University; Dr. Michelle R. Johnston, President of Coastal College of Georgia; Dr. Kathy Love, President of Savannah Technical College; and Shelley Nickel, Interim President of Georgia Southern University.

“We are honored to have such a distinguished and knowledgeable panel as part of our annual Critical Issues Forum,” said Harmon. “We also appreciate Don Waters serving as moderator on an industry topic where he’s made a tremendous impact. Don has played an instrumental role in leading our state’s Board of Regents and ensuring these universities have the tools in place to further educate and inspire many.”

The HunterMaclean Critical Issues Forum is an annual speaker series launched in 2004 that invites speakers to address an issue of importance to the community.