Mediation Center Presents Awards at Velvet Gala

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire hosted its second inaugural “Velvet Gala” at Cohen’s Retreat on Thursday, Jan. 17. Over 150 guests sampled hor d'oeuvres and beverages – including the signature “Red Velvet Champagne Cocktail” – while enjoying the night’s festivities. Kurt Hetager, emcee for the event, kept attendees entertained with lively banter and facilitated a silent auction, guests sponsoring programs by becoming a Community Star and recognizing award winners. Proceeds raised from this event will benefit the Mediation Center’s youth programs: Peer Mediation, BRAVE (Building Relationships and Voicing Emotions), and Community Conferencing.

During the gala, Mediation Center Executive Director Jill Cheeks recognized the following well-deserving individuals with various awards:

  • Business Partner of the Year:  Lesley Francis Public Relations

  • Youth Collaboration Award:  Chatham County Juvenile Court

  • Stellar Advocate for Youth: Kayley Stoner

  • Attorney Appreciation Award:

    General Civil - Edward McAfee

    Family Law - David Purvis

  • Mediator Awards:

    Most cases mediated – Larry Kopczak

    Lifetime Achievement Awards – Anne Schafer and Sherman Miller

  • Service by Board Members: Anne Schafer, Dennis Keene, Rob Gordon and Anne McDaniel

“We had a night filled with fun and entertainment while raising funds for our vital youth programs with our community supporters. We also celebrated and honored the individuals who have supported our organization’s mission over the years,” Cheeks said. “The Velvet Gala is always an enjoyable, sincere night of appreciation, and we look forward to many more to come.”

The Mediation Center’s team of experienced mediators are trained to help residents in Chatham and surrounding counties. The organization’s reputation is built on over 30 years of integrity and expertise, with a high success rate in resolving thousands of disputes. The Mediation Center is proud to offer the highest quality mediation services to help people resolve disputes through resolution as an alternative to litigation.

The Mediation Center’s BRAVE program (Building Relationships and Voicing Emotions), which will benefit from the funds raised from the Velvet Gala, focuses on understanding emotions, managing responses and developing positive actions. It helps youth develop conflict-resolution, communication and leadership skills.

Other Mediation Center youth programs set to benefit from the gala include Peer Mediation training and peer-to-peer mediations in schools, Community Conferencing collaboration with Juvenile Court, juvenile mediations, and parent/child mediations.