SDBA Names New Officers and Board Members, Committee Chairs and Top Three Initiatives for 2019

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

At its January 9 general membership meeting, the Savannah Downtown Business Association (SDBA) membership elected new officers and board members. Gina Peper of North Point Hospitality will serve as president of SDBA. She will be joined by Carey Ferrara, Leopold’s Ice Cream, vice president; Dale Parker, J. Parker LTD, secretary; and Rob Cordasco, Cordasco & Company, PC, treasurer.

“We are looking forward to 2019 and will continue to focus on solutions to make Savannah a better community,” Peper said. “The SDBA is committed to be a positive force in this community as well as an influential representative and resource for our members. This year, our board has prioritized our top three advocacy initiatives, public safety, homelessness and workforce development.”

Joining the board of directors are Mickey Minick, Old Savannah Tours; Chelsea Williams, Live Oak Restaurant Group and Patrick Connell, Connell Law, LLC. Committee chairs for this year are Marianne Ganem-Poppell, marketing; Carey Ferrara, programs; Brian Huskey, governance; Brandt Orr, finance; and Mickey MInick, advocacy.