The Creative Coast Welcomes New Program Director Aleshia Howell

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

The Creative Coast is excited to announce the hiring of Aleshia Howell as the new Program Director of the organization. Howell’s role will focus on the growth and expansion of programming by the organization, as well as the stewarding of marquis events such as She HUSTLES and Geekend.
“The time is ripe for Savannah to become a center for innovation in the Southeast.” says Howell on the state of technology and innovation in Savannah. “Cultivating and empowering our community of entrepreneurs, technologists and creatives has never been more important. Working with The Creative Coast in its mission to unite amazing, motivated people and add value to our city is a great privilege.”
Formerly the Director of Admissions at Mobile Makers Academy in Chicago and The Courtauld Institute of Art in London, Howell is passionate about education, lifelong learning and building community. She served as volunteer co-chair of Savannah's 2018 Geekend conference and writes a technology column for the Savannah Morning News and