MSB Aerospace LLC Celebrates First Year of Production in Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, February 14th, 2019

MSB Aerospace LLC, the US-based division of Montreal-headquartered precision engineering business MSB Design, is celebrating the first year of production at its Savannah, Georgia, facility. Opened late in 2017 to better serve the US market, the facility has quickly ramped up to manufacture customized, precision-engineered products for the business aviation sector. To date, the operation has produced a variety of bespoke crystal, china and flatware stowage inserts (CCF), more than 50 single and dual pedestal hi-lo tables, personal device holders, and a collection of MSB’s innovative up-lit glass holders.

When production began in Savannah, MSB Aerospace LLC employed nine people. Today the staff numbers 22 with more recruits anticipated to join in the next six months. The 10,000-sq-ft production unit is expected to produce up to 30 percent of MSB’s total North American output this year, and the company is eyeing 60,000 sq. feet for further expansion.

“Clients are very happy that we’ve established a U.S.-based manufacturing presence. It allows us to better manage product costs as materials are sourced in the US, so we save the expense, and risk, of moving materials across borders. We have reducedpotential customs delays, eliminated currency fluctuations, and negated import taxes,” says Shannon Gill, Managing Director, MSB Aerospace LLC. “Our clients expect very high quality and so far the items are fulfilling their expectations. We look forward to continuing to build our U.S. presence.”

The first inserts and tables came off the line in January 2018 with delivery to the new production unit’s first customer, Gulfstream, following swiftly after. Subsequent products were destined for a mix of completion centres including L3, OEMs and private owners based throughout the U.S.A. The company began 2019 with orders to supply products to six new clients with delivery occurring this year.

Looking to the next year, in addition to manufacturing its own products, Gill is hoping to add build-to-print support for customers shortly. Several newly manufactured items will also enter production this year including variations on tables, new mechanisms and products for new aircraft platforms.

Senior management, clients, partners and local Savannah government officials  celebrated the success of MSB Aerospace’s first year during an event held at the Mighty First Eighth Airforce museum in its home town of Savannah. Gill thanked local government for their support, customers for their business and acknowledged the hard work and dedication the newly created team members had given to make the first year a success.