Georgia Tech-Savannah to Host STEAM Summer Programs

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

Registration is now open for Georgia Tech-Savannah’s STEAM Summer Programs, which includes two new programs. Starting June 3, 2019, Georgia Tech-Savannah, through the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), will host six weeks of summer programs on campus to enrich STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) learning for rising 3rd through 12th graders. Students ages 8 - 18 throughout Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty County Schools are encouraged to register. All programs have scholarships available for families in need of financial assistance.

As in years past, Georgia Tech-Savannah is continuing to offer the “Full STEAM Ahead” Program, with a new theme for this year, “Journey Through the Stars”. This week-long program is designed to inspire students to explore the universe while learning how to code with EarSketch and Hummingbird Robotics. All projects within the program are designed to be hands-on and student-centered. This summer program is for rising 3rd – 8th graders and will repeat weekly from June 3rdthrough July 19th.

This year, there will be the addition of “Internet of Things” for 11th-12th graders. The “Internet of Things” week-long program is an advanced coding program designed to teach students how to create their very own IOT sensors and also give them the tools necessary to continue the fun all year long! This program will run for one week June 24th -  28th.

Finally, the “Make It, Move It” program for 7th-10th graders will have students exploring all the aspects of the supply chain through games, engaging projects, and sessions led by industry experts. Topics will cover everything from robotics and automation to how all our products get transported across the world and to our front doors. At the end of the week, all students will assemble their very own Ramblin’ Wreck model car! This program will run for one week June 17th – 21st.

“It’s all about creativity, curiosity, and exposure to all things STEAM. Our summer programs allow kids to get excited about science, math, art, engineering, supply chain, and new technologies at a young age,” said Diane Lee, executive director of Georgia Tech-Savannah. “With the addition of our new summer programs, we can help challenge students imagination even more, and allow them to continue to grow academically over the summer. What they learn about today’s technology may even surprise some parents.”

Details for this year’s camps include:

June 3rd – July 19th

Full STEAM Ahead “Journey Through the Stars!” (1 week programs)

Grade Levels: rising 3rd – 8th graders

8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Early Bird Registration available through May 11th - $200/week

$250/week (scholarships available)

More Information:

Registration Link:

June 17th – 21st

Make It, Move It (1 week program)

Grade Levels: 7th-10th graders

8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

$250 (scholarships available)

More Information:

Registration Link:

June 24th – 28th

Internet of Things Summer Program

Grade Levels: rising 11th and 12th graders

8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

$250 (scholarships available)

More Information:

Registration Link:

Parent drop-off begins at 8:30 a.m. Parent pick-up begins at 2:45 p.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Student showcases will take place every Friday at 1:30 p.m. Students will need to bring a non-perishable lunch.

For more information or to register, visit: