Pump-N-Go Makes Donation to The 200 Club of the Coastal Empire

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

Pump-N-Go, a local brand of convenience stores and fuel stations with 16 locations in Savannah and surrounding counties, recently made a donation of $1,000 to the 200 Club of the Coastal Empire, a nonprofit providing significant and immediate financial relief to the families of fallen first responders.

“We were deeply saddened by Savannah Police Department’s loss of fellow comrade Sgt. Ansari and moved by The 200 Club’s quick response to care for his family in the wake of the tragic events that surrounded his death in the line of duty,”said Shailesh Patel, co-founder/partner at Pump-N-Go.

“We wanted to find a way to do something to help and are proud to support the 200 Club and their work,” said Yash Desai, Pump-N-Go co-founder/partner at Pump-N-Go. “We would like to encourage the rest of Savannah/Chatham County business community to join the 200 Club in their pledge to stay with Sgt. Ansari’s family now and for years to come.