Chatham County Sheriff’s Office to Host Active Shooter Lunch ‘n’ Learn for Downtown Business Association Today

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, June 20th, 2019

The Chatham County Sheriff’s Office is hosting an Active Shooter Lunch ‘n’ Learn for the Downtown Business Association (DBA) on Tuesday, June 18 from Noon – 1p.m. located at the Sheriff’s Office Range Facility at 1050 Carl Griffin Dr.
“Unfortunately, active shooter situations are something that are plaguing communities all across our country right now, so when the DBA approached us about offering some training on what to do in those scenarios, we jumped at the opportunity to share our knowledge,” said Chatham County Sheriff John T. Wilcher.
The training, based on the Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course, is designed and built on the Avoid, Deny, and Defend (ADD) strategy developed by Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Training (ALERRT) in 2004. It provides strategies, guidance and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. Topics covered include:

·       History and prevalence of active shooter events

·       Civilian response options

·       Medical issues

·       Consideration for conducting drills