Georgia Southern University Media Development Center Receives 12 Emmy Award Nominations

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences recognized Georgia Southern University’s Multimedia Development Center (MDC) with four professional Emmy® award nominations and eight student Emmy® award nominations on Saturday.  

The MDC directs, produces and manages video projects and more than 100 live events each year, including Eagle athletic events that are carried on ESPN3 and other nationally televised broadcasts. The projects provide Georgia Southern students with training and media experience that translates into real-world opportunities.

The student production teams received nominations in the following categories:

Sports, Live Events - Nicholas Burke, Jamal Rogers, Franchette O'Neal, Robert Wright, Bradon Holder, Brian Cox, Natalie Arreola, Chandler Stevenson, Deondra Green, Shelby Head, Glenn Ingram, Casey Felton

Best Newscast - Bradon Holder, Holden Galatas, Griffin Lail

Arts and Entertainment/Cultural Affairs - (Jazz Band Live! and David Murray Piano Recital) - Bradon Holder, Melanie Denton, Franchette O'Neal, Serggio Montero

Public Service - Bradon Holder, Serggio Montero, Melanie Denton

Photographer - Robert Brandon Wright

On-air Talent - Holden Galatas

The Media Development Center professional production teams received nominations for:

Sports Interview and Discussion - The History of Freedom the Eagle” in the Spanish language category - Art Berger (host), Eddie Rodriguez (narration), Bryan Dykstra and Ben Powell (production and videography).

Best Sports Director - Art Berger, director

Two Technical Director Live nominations for Georgia Southern football and soccer with Art Berger as director.

“The number of nominations this year received by the MDC and our students is unprecedented for us in terms of the quality of our entries, as well as the quantity of nominations,” said Berger, director of the center. “We are especially proud to reflect our university’s diversity with our two professional Emmy nominations in the Spanish-speaking categories. The MDC’s primary focus is to provide students with professional media and growth opportunities through hands-on learning. We are very proud of our multiple nominations and in particular the national recognition of our student’s outstanding video work by the Emmy Awards.”

Bradon Holder, a senior electrical engineering major from Orange Park, Fla. has been involved with the MDC for two years and was nominated in four categories.

“The experience working at the MDC has provided me with an unsurpassed professional experience in the broadcast and video production field. I have been presented with numerous opportunities to grow and really augment my major of electrical engineering with this educational experience. I can’t thank Georgia Southern University enough for this opportunity,” said Holder.

These nominations add to 18 Emmy nominations and six Emmy wins for the center in its history.

The student Emmy winners will be announced in Atlanta on June 8. The professional awards will be announced June 15 by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, NATAS, a professional organization for individuals in the television and broadcasting industry.