Kick-off & Donation Presentation: Ready Set Go Back to School Expo June 18th

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, June 17th, 2019

Join the Board of Directors & Sponsors at the 11th Annual Kick-Off of The Ready Set Go Back to School (RSGBTS) 2019 School Supply Giveaway on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 10:00 AM inside Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Annex on 622 E. 37th St.  Sponsors will re-commit their continuous support by making monetary contributions,  as we begin to request in-kind donations and volunteers from the community and corporations.  “Public School begins Aug 5 and we are excited  to host the Expo before the school year starts.”, said Tanya Scott-Pilcher, Event Co-Chair “it gives parents an opportunity to have another resource for free school supplies, haircuts and health screenings.”   Many of the returning sponsors will present checks or in-kind donations during the press conference.
During RSGBTS Expo, parents and children appreciate the valuable information regarding health, nutrition, safety, after school programs along with health screenings and their children receiving haircuts and polished nails. The RSG BTS Expo and Giveaway will be held on Saturday, August 3, 2019 at the Savannah Civic Center, providing free school supplies and book-bags, well as information.