United Way of the Coastal Empire Vice President of Resource Development to Retire

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, June 10th, 2019

United Way of the Coastal Empire announced the retirement of Julie Cyr as Vice President of Resource Development effective July 5, 2019, after a 25-year-long career with the United Way system.

“It has been my honor and privilege to serve as Vice President of Resource Development of such an exceptional organization. I am filled with gratitude and pride in all that we have accomplished together over the years,” said Julie Cyr. “I intend to remain in the area and will continue to serve the needs in our community.”

Since joining United Way of the Coastal Empire in 2005, Cyr has led 14 community-wide fundraising campaigns, generating more than $117 million in support for local nonprofits in Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty Counties. She introduced several donor recognition programs including WOMEN UNITED, Loyal Contributors, and Young Leaders. Additionally, Cyr introduced and launched the Caring Club reward program for donors, which was implemented by many United Ways across the country.

“Julie has been a cornerstone to the United Way success over the past 14 years. Her tireless effort during the annual campaign contributed to its success; and on behalf of all the Campaign Chairs she guided, thank you,” said United Way Board Chair Toby Moreau. “We wish her all the best in retirement.”

Cyr began her career with the United Way in 1994, serving as Campaign Associate with United Way Pinellas County in St. Petersburg, Florida. She later became Campaign Director for Heart of America United Way in Kansas City before becoming Vice President of Resource Development with United Way of the Coastal Empire in 2005.

“Julie is a living example of the spirit of caring and commitment to improving the lives of others that is at the heart of our mission here at the United Way. We are fortunate to have had the benefit of her knowledge, passion, and dedication for so many years and we wish her all the best in her well-deserved retirement,” said Deb Thompson, President and CEO of United Way of the Coastal Empire.