Gary Morea & Maragret Morton to Chair The 2019 Alzheimer’s Association Walk To End Alzheimer’s

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, August 9th, 2019

Gary Morea of Edward Jones and Margaret Morton of Georgia Living Senior Home Care join the Alzheimer’s Associatio as the 2019 Walk to End Alzheimer’s Event Chairs in Savannah.

"My work with the Alzheimer's Association as a member of the Board of Directors for the Georgia Chapter, Advocate and Walk Co-Chair is so that in the future, families will not suffer the devastation that is Alzheimer's disease”, added Margaret Morton, co-chair, Savannah Walk to End Alzheimer’s. I do this in memory of my mother, Elaine Utsch, who lived courageously with the disease and for my father, Edward Utsch, who was her loving and tireless caregiver. They taught me courage, compassion and love! I fight for them and all the other families whose lives have been changed forever."

The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research programs. On Walk day, participants will honor those affected by Alzheimer's disease with Promise Flowers during the poignant Promise Garden Ceremony – a moving display of hope to represent the personal reasons participants join together to fight Alzheimer’s.

“We are incredibly grateful to Margaret and Gary for chairing this very important event to help us end Alzheimer’s”, added Kelly Hendricks, Alzheimer’s Association, Director of Development, Savannah Walk to End Alzheimer’s. “Both of them bring energy and passion to our event and help us raise awareness and funds for the Alzheimer’s Association”, added Hendricks.

The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s will take place on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at Ellis Square in Savannah. Nearly 1,000 people from Savannah and surrounding communities are expected at this year’s event to raise awareness and funds to fight Alzheimer’s disease.