Senior Citizens, Inc. Announces New Executive Officers & Board Members

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, August 26th, 2019

Senior Citizens, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people age successfully, is pleased to announce new executive officers and members of its Board of Directors.

“We are so fortunate to have such gifted community leaders to volunteer their insight, expertise, and business development support of our important mission,” said Patti Lyons, president at SCI.

Executive Officers include the following:

Board Chair - Susan Hancock, President, Abshire Public Relations

Vice Chair - Dr. Paul Pressly, retired Headmaster Emeritus of The Savannah Country Day School and

retired Director Emeritus of the Ossabaw Island Education Alliance

Corporate Secretary - Dr. William Wallace, retired physician

Treasurer - Don Teague, retired Comptroller, International Paper

Assistant Treasurer - Kay Ford, Chief Banking Officer, BankSouth

Past Board Chair - Jeff Kole, President, Kole Management Company
New Board Members include the following:

Mike English, President, Queensborough National Bank and Trust

Becky Keightley, retired Vice President/Chief Communications Officer, Memorial Health

Philip Solomons, Jr., retired President, Solomons Pharmaceutical Distributing