Christ Community Church Dedicates New Worship Space

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

Christ Community Church of Simpsonville, S.C., dedicated its new and expanded worship space at 700 Harrison Bridge Road with a two-hour evening program and service. Felder & Associates served as the lead architect in partnership with the Aspen Group, a design firm that specializes in church construction.

The $2.8 million addition and renovation includes a new 5,700-square-foot worship facility that can seat 420 people, along with a new office addition of 1,320 square feet. The existing worship service was converted to “Third Place” space — a welcoming connecting space that includes a coffee bar and comfortable seating for casual gatherings, group meeting, dining and fellowship.

Features of the new sanctuary include a large platform, storage, new restrooms and new audio-visual capabilities.

“The revision to the existing campus was necessary as the church congregation is growing and suburban development is overtaking the church’s previously rural settings,” said Brian Felder, Felder & Associates’ managing principal. “Simpsonville, just east of Greenville, is a rapidly growing community and the streets around the church property are becoming heavily traveled, which meant the congregation needed to address the problem of traffic noise within the old worship space.”

The building features heavy timbers that protrude outside the structure. The building itself is of insulated concrete form construction — a choice made for its outstanding sound-dampening capabilities, high energy-saving capability, and improved ability to withstand high winds during storms.