Godley Station FCCLA Students Earn Silver Medal at National Leadership Conference

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Friday, October 11th, 2019

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)’s National Leadership Conference (NLC) was held in Anaheim, California June 30th – Jul7 4th, 2019. More than 8,700 participants from across the country gathered together to attend leadership and program training, hear national speakers, meet youth leaders from across the nation, participate in Competitive Events, and explore college and career options.

Over 4,700 FCCLA members competed in STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events at NLC. STAR Events are competitive events in which members are recognized for their proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. Godley Station K8 students Quamira Ervin and Olivia Lewonski competed as a team and medaled in the National STAR Event Competition.

FCCLA members choose what STAR Event they would like to compete in.  Events vary from Early Childhood Education, Entrepreneurship, and Sports Nutrition to Fashion Design, Job Interview, and Culinary Arts.  To advance to the national level in a STAR Event, members must first compete at the district and state level and need to earn the top two scores in both settings in order to advance. Godley Station 8th grader Quamira Ervin and 6th grader Olivia Lewonski, competed in the STAR event of FCCLA Chapter Website, Junior Category during the national conference.  In addition to earning a silver medal at the National Leadership Conference, Quamira and Olivia will be recorded in Godley Station history as the first national competitors since the school was established in 2010!

Godley Station FCCLA Advisor Michelle Lanier attributes the student’s success to possessing 21st Century skills and utilizing Chatham County’s CTAE program to propel them to the next level of success. The Godley Station FCCLA chapter received support throughout the year from School Principal Dr. Troy Brown, and the dedicated office staff’s countless hours focused on FCCLA.  Likewise, without the support of the amazing PTA and teachers unwavering volunteer hours to assist where needed, donations, and fundraising patronage, Ms. Lanier says this outstanding experience would never have been realized.  Everyone’s steadfast support was instrumental in the success of this program.